Here is the Saturday Schedule from 2013
All activities take place in the Barn unless stated otherwise. All timings are merely for guidance and subject to alteration until after they actually happen!
Saturday Schedule
Workshop 1 - Roger Jackson will be running this session and we look forward to seeing what he has put together for us this year. Last year he taught us a specially composed piece, (Alone in my) Shed which The Magnificent AK47 have taken up as one of their anthems. Workshop 2 - Dave Stewart will again be joining from far, far away up north and we are eagerly awaiting to hear what he has to teach us this year, not only the song, but last year he taught us a little bit about the art of Dry Stone Walling and inspired some of us so much that we are planning to do some on the Friday day time. Last year's piece has also been assimilated into The Magnificent AK47 repetoire. Workshop 3 - UK Spookys - to be precise this workshop will be lead by Chris Samuel and Phil Read, both of whom are UK-based members of the Spooky Men's Chorale and we wait with bated breath to find out what they will be teaching us. Hog & Veg Roast, this year with extra side vegetables and baps served by our very own BlokeFest Caterers. BlokeFest Cabaret - one of the highlights from last year when we were all genuinely amazed by the range and quality and sheer spontaneity of the whole evening. Friday & Sunday Schedule |