Registration for BlokeFest
Blo2015 is still open, but not for long!
Registration officially closes Sunday 14th June at Midnight! so nudge and nag your mates / relatives to register before it really is too late - you have been warned
Friday 19th - Sunday 21st June
Stuff includes
ONE Heritage Hike
TWO new Workshop sessions
TWO more catered meals (included in the weekend ticket!)
THREE options for the late afternoon session
FOUR catered meals in total (included in the weekend ticket!)
FIVE Workshops in total
SIX Pub Games and Jolly Garden Sports
NINE Workshop Leaders
Yes, we've listened to your very comprehensive and (very) complementary feedback and tried to improve the event by introducing a choice of sessions, more catered food included in the price, more workshop leaders, a re-jigged schedule, a proper ticketing system (with confirmations and barcodes and all sorts of modern conveniences).
Blo2015 is still open, but not for long!
Registration officially closes Sunday 14th June at Midnight! so nudge and nag your mates / relatives to register before it really is too late - you have been warned
Friday 19th - Sunday 21st June
Stuff includes
ONE Heritage Hike
TWO new Workshop sessions
TWO more catered meals (included in the weekend ticket!)
THREE options for the late afternoon session
FOUR catered meals in total (included in the weekend ticket!)
FIVE Workshops in total
SIX Pub Games and Jolly Garden Sports
NINE Workshop Leaders
Yes, we've listened to your very comprehensive and (very) complementary feedback and tried to improve the event by introducing a choice of sessions, more catered food included in the price, more workshop leaders, a re-jigged schedule, a proper ticketing system (with confirmations and barcodes and all sorts of modern conveniences).
Previously . . .
About BlokeFest For the FOURTH year running on one weekend in June we’re going to sing like blokes, act like men and get to be one of the guys. Our guiding philosophy is that singing is a truly manly activity as long as you sing the right stuff, in the right way, with the right men: think Shanties not shandies Lumberjack not Timberlake DiY not R’n'B. The plan is simple. We're going to meet at a pub in middle Wiltshire with its own Campsite and the weekend unfolds like this . . . |
Friday Evening We're organising a gathering of the Clans of Blokedom with fellas coming from the stronghold of Ashton Keynes in North, North Wiltshire, the dreaming spires of Oxford, the big Smoke of the London, Shanty Men from Ship-shape Bristol and a local posse from nearby Pewsey and some blokes all the way from the North from The Wirral and beyond. We will gather at the "BlokeFest Big Top" the enjoy some suitably special sustenance from last year's main caterer Alison Jump and gang . Suitably nourished and invigorated we will begin singing with the first Workshop led by the BlokeChoir Meister Supreme that is Chris Samuel to get us in the mood. |
The BlokeFest Big Top returns!
Then it is over to the pub for some singing, some proper pub games including a "Proper Darts Tournament", some drinks, some singing and bed at a reasonable time - it's a busy day ahead!
We'll be having numerous singing workshops and learning blokey songs from some well-known singing men (see below). We'll be hosting a communal lunch time meal meal, again catered by Alison Jump and gang, then do some more singing and then we will have a new "Optional Session" where attendees get to pick one of three sessions. If you are especially good we may even organise the return of the Ice Cream Van! After that we will proffer another meal this time catered for by Kalahari Kitchen with a taste of the grilled outdoors but don't worry we aren't forgetting our veggie and gluten-free brethren and will have tasty options for them too, and this year again there will be proper salad and maybe even puddings! |
We will then head back to the Big Top where the various men's groups - and anyone else who fancies entertaining us - will entertain the gathered throng with the world famous "BlokeFest Cabaret". This year we would like to make a little more of this event, including strict time limits (!) and encouraging blokes to come prepared with a proper party pieces.
We'll have another Sunday Morning Workshop and then we'll be doing some things to encourage healthy exercise and daftness like the "Tug o' War" and possibly a couple of other things. There will also be a beefed up "Tonsorial Titan Challenge" with proper prizes! We will then have a proper photo session with our (semi) official BlokeFest PhotographerMeister of all the various groups from the various parts of Blokedom to commemorate the gathering of the individual clans. We will finish with the one BIG BlokeFest photo with everyone resplendent in their BlokeFest T-Shirts as it is now traditional to wear your T-Shirt with pride that announces that you are part of this great bunch of blokes. Then we will offer a final piece of substantial nosh in the shape of "Parting Pies" (gf & veg options) then have a "Big Farewell" and then break camp. Some of us will have to depart and some of us will go off hiking around nearby heritage sites at Avebury and alike with a guided tour from local historian blokes. On the hike we will conduct sonic experiments at lower frequencies, singing songs as we go. |
The Tug o' War gets exciting
The legendary Bebbington Bitter Men
Ticket Prices
The organising team of the BlokeFest Inner Circle have muttered long and hard about this because we don't want to be seen as "bread heads" but then again we're not doing this to make a profit, just have fun and cover costs whilst trying to balance raising the standards of stuff, in particular the catering.
To this end we have re-jigged the pricing structure we're working to include TWO more catered meals within the weekend price plus TWO more official Workshops, so it represents phenomenal value, as we continuously get told in the feedback.
Anyway to business:
The organising team of the BlokeFest Inner Circle have muttered long and hard about this because we don't want to be seen as "bread heads" but then again we're not doing this to make a profit, just have fun and cover costs whilst trying to balance raising the standards of stuff, in particular the catering.
To this end we have re-jigged the pricing structure we're working to include TWO more catered meals within the weekend price plus TWO more official Workshops, so it represents phenomenal value, as we continuously get told in the feedback.
Anyway to business:
Full Weekend Ticket £70, Youth £35
Two night's camping + Friday night Workshop activities + Friday evening meal + All the workshops + Saturday Lunch AND Evening Meals + The entertainment evening + The Sunday Workshops & events + Sunday Meal |
Saturday Day Only Ticket £50, Youth £25 *
All the Saturday workshops + Saturday Lunch & Evening Meals + The evening entertainment * - We appreciate this skews things towards the Full Weekend tickets and this is intentional to encourage full participation even if it might be mathematically imbalanced!! We hope you understand the ethos we are trying to encourage. :-) |
This year we are returning to darkest mid Wiltshire and we will be camping at and drinking in The Bruce Arms near Pewsey in the heart of Wiltshire. The Bruce Arms Easton Road Easton Royal Pewsey Wiltshire SN9 5LR It’s got a campsite next door and does great food and the beers are not bad either! Pewsey has a rail station only a couple of miles from the pub. Phone: 01672 810216 Mobile: 07968 580804 Email: [email protected] |
The Bruce Arms, nicknamed the Gammon, is situated between the villages of Easton Royal and Milton Lilbourne near Pewsey in Wiltshire. Built between 1848 and 1855 by the Salmonach Estate, which owned many pubs. It came about after the original Coaching Inn, The Gammon of Bacon, situated opposite, burnt down. The only part of the Inn remaining is the water pump - which still works!
There is access via foot or cycle to the the glorious Pewsey Vale - Crofton Beam Engines, Wilton Windmill and the Kennet and Avon Canal. The Games Room offers Darts, Pool, Table Tennis, Skittles and even Short Mat Bowls plus of course the space for whatever we want to do and we will have our very own BlokeFest Big Top ! for the workshops and Cabaret. |
BlokeFest is the deranged brainchild of The Magnificent AK47, (depicted in some of their manly glory to the right) - they're the Singing Blokes of Ashton Keynes of North, North Wiltshire in the border badlands with Mid South, East Gloucesterhire. They’ve been singing and performing their own brand of testosterone stoked tomfoolery since 2008 and want to share the adventure with other men. Visit their revamped website at to read about their many adventures |
Your workshop leaders for the weekend will include:
Your workshop leaders for the weekend will include:
Chris SamuelA singing bloke if ever there was one. He leads five community choirs including The Magnificent AK47 and performs with the awesome Spooky Men's Chorale when they tour the UK and Europe. He is also one of the Artist Curators for the Nationally recognised Voices Now.
Find out more from and he currently gigs with vocal trio The Croutons. |
James Sills
After his brilliant session at BlokeFest 2014 we are delighted to announce that James Sills has agreed to come back and enthrall us with his musicality and blokeyness. James, is super talented and a top bloke to boot! He is a Community Singer, Instrumentalist, Composer, Choir Leader and Music Teacher, and is one of the returning UK based recruits of the ranks of the Spooky Men’s Chorale (who you can see in action again this summer). When not guiding some of Liverpool’s finest through their GCSEs and A levels, he directs The Creative Community Choir in the Wirral and his very own Blokes group - The Bebington Bitter Men who were a great addition to the gang at BlokeFest 2014. More info at |
Dominic Stichbury
We are thrilled to have a new addition to the BlokeFest Workshop Leaders in the shape of Dominic Stichbury the inspiring leader behind that there London Town's ChapsChoir. Dom is a singer and arranger who has setup and run numerous singing projects across London. Having trained with Spitalfields Music, ABCD and the NVPN he has delivered singing workshops and worked as a voice coach and singing leader for the Southbank Centre, Opera North, Candoco Dance Company, The Choir With No Name, and educational organisations in London. More info via |
Optional Sessions - you get to chose which
One of the many useful pieces of feedback we received from BlokeFest 2014 (for which we thank respondents very much) was that the final session of the day can find people a little "tired" if not quite "tired and emotional", so we thought we would liven it up by offering you a choice of THREE possible sessions.
When you come to register at the event we will ask you for a preference so we can know how the numbers are splitting and can therefore plan where to put which session around the site. The plan is that you will work on a piece or two that you can bond together and showcase in the BlokeFest Cabaret later that evening - so no pressure (!) but it should help to get you through the afternoon till the Evening meal.
One of the many useful pieces of feedback we received from BlokeFest 2014 (for which we thank respondents very much) was that the final session of the day can find people a little "tired" if not quite "tired and emotional", so we thought we would liven it up by offering you a choice of THREE possible sessions.
When you come to register at the event we will ask you for a preference so we can know how the numbers are splitting and can therefore plan where to put which session around the site. The plan is that you will work on a piece or two that you can bond together and showcase in the BlokeFest Cabaret later that evening - so no pressure (!) but it should help to get you through the afternoon till the Evening meal.
Option 1 - Phil Read
Cool, Cosmopolitan, Classy! Spooky Men's Chorale, A Fistful of Spookies, Manchoir, Singing Saturdays, Phil has an impressive pedigree in the world of BlokeSong as a performer and teacher.
Anyone who has attended Oxford's Manchoir or the Singing Saturday's will know he is a class operator, full of musical knowledge and great skill at conveying a piece. Find out more about Phil at and |
Option 2 - Roger Jackson
Bold, Be-jacketed, Blokey! We welcome back Roger Jackson one of the original workshop leaders at our first two events, who bestowed the paen to male sanctuary "(Alone in my) Shed" and "A Gringo like me" which have become firm favourites in the Magnificent canon of, er, The Magnificent AK47.
He is sure to bring some original thinking and pieces with him again. Find out more about Roger at |
Option 3 - Roaring Trowmen
Salty, Stomping, Shanty! The Roaring Trowmen' have been performing together at gigs and festivals in the South West for around 3 years now.
Inspired by the nautical heritage of their home city of Bristol, they celebrate the under-rated medium of the sea shanty… Expect to be clapping and roaring along, or groaning at their bad jokes.... Find out more about them at |
So, now all you have to do is sign up for a fantastic weekend of MEN.SINGING.AND STUFF.
If you want to proceed to the Registration form just bear in mind that we need to know the following:
If you want know a bit more have a browse around but don't dally heading to sign up, we only have 120 places and they are bound to go very quickly - there are 40 blokes likely to descend from around Ashton Keynes alone!
If you want to proceed to the Registration form just bear in mind that we need to know the following:
- What sort of ticket you need
- Which souvenirs you want
- What sort of food you need and
- Double check before you submit!
If you want know a bit more have a browse around but don't dally heading to sign up, we only have 120 places and they are bound to go very quickly - there are 40 blokes likely to descend from around Ashton Keynes alone!
Help us spread the word
Want to help promote this amazing event? Download this year's poster and tells us what you have done with it, preferably with a photo or two and we'll sort you out a special something over the weekend by way of thanks